Education Resources
Arithmetic Workbook
Click on the buttons, to view and purchase the Arithmetic Workbooks that will tutor your child in the latest efficient methods and strategies, meeting National Curriculum standards.
Maths Benefits
- Published by a maths educator.
- A child friendly step by step guide.
- Workbooks as good as a maths tutor.
- Colour coded to visualise explanations.
- Explains efficient methods and strategies.
- Enables parents to teach their child the fundamentals of maths.
- Ensures children can learn the arithmetic required to be successful.
- Allows all users to become secure in arithmetic and understand maths.buttons

Click on Comprehension Workbook to access resources used at Akacia, that cover the main areas of comprehension.
Comprehension practice activities for children ages 5-7 (Years 1-2). Comprehension Workbook
Comprehension practice activities for children ages 7-8 (Year 3). Comprehension Workbook
Comprehension practice activities for children ages 8-9 (Year 4). Comprehension Workbook
Comprehension practice activities for children ages 9-10 (Year 5). Comprehension Workbook
Comprehension practice activities for children ages 10-11 (Year 6). Comprehension Workbook
Click on Grammar&Punctuationto access the resources used at Akacia, that cover the main areas of Grammar and Punctuation.
Grammar and Punctuation practice activities for children ages 5-7 (Years 1-2). Grammar&Punctuation
Grammar and Punctuation practice activities for children ages 7-8 (Year 3). Grammar&Punctuation
Grammar and Punctuation practice activities for children ages 8-9 (Year 4). Grammar&Punctuation
Grammar and Punctuation practice activities for children ages 9-10 (Year 5). Grammar&Punctuation
Grammar and Punctuation practice activities for children ages 10-11 (Year 6). Grammar&Punctuation

Click on Spelling&Vocabulary to access the resources used at Akacia, that cover the main areas of Spelling and Vocabulary.
Spelling and Vocabulary practice activities for children ages 5-6 (Year 1).
Spelling and Vocabulary practice activities for children ages 6-7 (Year 2). Spelling&Vocabulary
Spelling and Vocabulary practice activities for children ages 7-8 (Year 3). Spelling&Vocabulary
Spelling and Vocabulary practice activities for children ages 8-9 (Year 4). Spelling&Vocabulary
Spelling and Vocabulary practice activities for children ages 9-10 (Year 5). Spelling&Vocabulary
Spelling and Vocabulary practice activities for children ages 10-11 (Year 6). Spelling&Vocabulary
Select the book that you need and click download to access and download the file.
Attached are 7 FREE Arithmetic Question Booklets for Reception, Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, ages 5-11 to enable your child to practice with their parents basic mathematics at NO COST, on their journey towards being an able mathematician.
Click Here to Download 7 FREE Arithmetic Question Booklets for Reception
For each FREE Arithmetic Question Booklet, your child needs to learn and understand how to calculate all of the arithmetic questions accurately, using mental strategies and written methods.
If your child does not know how to calculate the answers or you would like support with how to teach them, CLICK on the Amazon links below for the accompanying Arithmetic Workbooks I have published that will explain and show you how.
Arithmetic Workbook for Year 6
Arithmetic Workbook for Year 5
Arithmetic Workbook for Year 4
Arithmetic Workbook for Year 3
Arithmetic Workbook for Year 2
Arithmetic Workbook for Year 1
Arithmetic Workbook for Reception
Benefits Include:
- Child friendly step by step guides.
- Colour coded to visualise modelling.
- Explains mental strategies and written methods.
- Enables parents to teach their child the fundamentals of maths.
Click Here to access previous SATS papers for KS1 and KS2 for years 2019, 2018 and 2017 for Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Mathematics.
The Amazing – Incredible Handwriting Worksheet Maker!
Make full-page custom handwriting worksheets in seconds!
STEP 1: Select a writing style – PRINT – CURSIVE or D’NEALIAN STYLE
STEP 2: Type your handwriting worksheet content and watch it appear instantly!
STEP 3: Select letter size – letter color & line color
STEP 4: Click PRINT for a copy of your writing worksheet for immediate use
Starfall Education Foundation is a publicly support nonprofit organization, 501(c)(3). We create free and low-cost experiences whereby children can successfully learn through exploration. On the Starfall website and in Starfall classrooms, children have fun while learning in an environment of collaboration, wonderment, and play. We teach through positive reinforcement to ensure children become confident, intrinsically motivated, and successful.
Other Links
Lots of fun things to do. These things will help him strengthen the muscles in his hands: Play with play dough or slime, use hole punches. Here’s a site that has more fun activities to strengthen his hands: . Another great resource (I’ve attended a couple of her workshops, she’s wonderful.) Is Write Out of the box. Good luck. If he doesn’t have a occupational therapist you might want to explore that.
Would this help? It’s very tacktile in that the magnet pops the balls into place as the pen is used.
Stencils helped our son with basic letter formation – but we ended up having him learn how to type EARLY and it was a lifesaver. We used something like these: School Rite Handwriting Templates Manuscript Uppercase
The worksheets have not been written by us, but you are free to download.